Before launch ECMall 2.0, please read my feedback and sugges
2016-07-07 16:52 来源 作者:ecshop专家
Hi, I’m Malaysian Chinese, congratulation for evolution from1.1 into 2.0, it’s so amazing, almost like mine mind concept, but there stillsome space for improving, read below: Basic e-commerce concept: Friendly, Fast,Simple & Safety No more annoying message in page (Wanted) Last time in ECMall 1.1, after add/edit/delete aproduct/user or anything else, there will display a message page “Successfullyadded” or similar message. This is very annoying message and wasting a lot time andbandwidth, below is my suggestion: After added/edit/deleted, no info page or popup message will display,but display in top inline of current page. Simplified, clean and fast login and register (Wanted) Just like above problem, no more annoying message/page tore-load again, my suggestion: Once click login, a popup box will display, user only need to inserttheir username and password to login. (Of course, there will be a option forcaptcha code) Sample: the login to see) Shop category and Product category (Optional) Nowaday is Web2.0, everyone like fast and simple website,including cybermall. Firstly thank for finally added shop and product category,this will be very useful for users, but if both pattern is same, then will beno interesting anymore, my suggestion: Page loading for first time user is very important, no body will waitif the main page loading very slow, therefore I suggest modify the shopcategory into a 3D store map just like thecurrent physical mall, First floor have grocery, kiosk, food and so on…, whilesecond floor have boutique, women fashion, third floor have men fashion, toyand many more… Well, I think you should understand my meaning…, now is Web2.0 world,graphic is better than text, but need optimize for fast loading. Sample: Good top menu bar (Optional) Current menu bar is too simple, everyone like fast load pageand no need re-load again, feel free to refer: Sample: Pre-insert information (eg. Buyer guidelines, Sellerguidelines, World cities) (Wanted) Tried phpBB before? Mostly user-friendly freeware script gotbuild-in pre-information, this is save a lot of admin times, complete usefulguidelines (this will be a standardized, if need more, admin just addthemselves), below suggestion: Add standardized information (FAQ) for buyer, seller, admin, supplier,co-partner. ECMall is not only for China, but also useful for worldwide, thereshould add all country and cities. (Some popular country, can add in top menu) Sample list: 100% Translatable language files & multiplecurrencies (Wanted) Last time when translate into English, it was like anightmare and yet the button was not able to translate…, but now thank forunderstand this issues, below suggestion: Button image should plain/blank, so that text in language file was ableto translatable, may consider like the wordpress extend,plugin, theme and language pack was supportable by ecmall user, cheers… If possible, please enable language selector and currency selector byvisitor when visit ecmall. Product description, Store home, no more re-load page (Wanted) Like above, this is also very annoying, just imagine if auser just window shopping but have to wait re-load every times, will his/herangry? Try making it TABBED view, so that no need to re-load whole-page, nomatter shop home or product page. Sample: |
Instead of images in zoom,why not load in lightbox? (Optional) Yes, it’s another saving time and bandwidth option,personally, I prefer lightbox than zoom. Can view actual picture better than apiece by a piece and this will better than gallery, no page re-load neededagain. Sample: Category/Store/Product needbetter and meaning name. (Optional) SEO is important; visitor can’t remember too long/meaninglessdame/url, my suggestion: Sample: Eg. Verification need enhanced(Optional) I don’t know oversea, but Malaysia,phone is registered and monitored by Malaysia Government. This is another safety option for Malaysian buyer,therefore phone verification is needed. (IC can be made fake, steal; but phoneneed register name and address.) If seller scam, then we’ll pass informationdetails to police. Seller enhanced contactable(Optional) Thanks for enhanced the private message system,translatable? Can enhance with adding Y! Messenger and MSN messenger? Like other platform, after buyer/seller received a PM,a email notify should send to their email inbox. (Nobody will always stay in anew platform or ecmall) Mostly user will use IM, live chat with seller is veryimportant: Yahoo: ymsgr:sendIM? MSN: msnim:chat? Skype: skype:vynes18?chat Wishlist? (Optional) This might be another selling point like amazon, visitor addinto cart/wishlist then cut and paste the wishlist code into theirblog/friendster/my space, so that their friend, reader can buy and send as agift. Sample: Got Order & ShipmentTracking? (Wanted) ECShop had this two function, but limited to EMS china only. Buyer can track the latest status of the order placed(pending, processing, shipped or rejected) in main page or member panel. Once shipped, seller needs to insert shipment trackingcode and Courier Company so that buyer can track the parcel. Got tracking toolsfor DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT and many more? Sample: Can pre-integrated/build-inwith Support Center?(Optional) When member is rapidly growing fast, handling email is quiteheavy load and slow response, why not add a support center, especially isfreeware and build-in with knowledgebase (aka FAQ)? Better yet, you no need to spend over $200+ to buykayako suite, hesk is FREE and good. Support center will be more standard andprofessional; it can be assigned ticket submitted to your support team tofollow-up. If got build-in, then member can contact admin easily,report abuse, inquiry, open dispute console and many more…, every ticket canview in member panel, no another registration needed. Sample: build-in FAQ) Payment methods (Wanted) There is few payment methods available, I don’t know is thisecmall2.0 is same like ecmall1.1 or not, but I able to create my own availablepayment methods for my seller to choose. Malaysiais not like China,our banker only can make online payment in their own bank website (aka FundTransfer), no solution like paypal, moneybooker and similar gateway yet, whichcan support checkout page and IPN. So this is called Online payment or Offlinepayment? Can get the heart and crown rating? And, there is another method called mobile payment (MaxisM-money, Mobile money, PosPay, MBF Mpay) and global money transfer (iKobo, Western Union, Moneygram, Xoom) and alsoe-currencies (PayPal, alertpay, moneybookers, e-gold, webmoney and more…) Last time, I was editing the offline payment and clone tomulti option to able my seller to choose, my suggestion is multi field text box(Bank name[Clickable URL to Bank Website to make online banking (in popup ornew window)], Account name, Account number) compare to single textarea only. Why can get back afterconfirmed payment at checkout? Once confirmed order, then was not able to click back tochange, what if visitor wish to change? Gift card / Coupon / Voucher/ Points / iCash? (Wanted) This is another good selling point for visitor to return buyitems. Auction? Everywhere in thisworld also have second-hand market. (Wanted) Auction marketplace is a good selling point to attractseller to sell old items, and buyer to buy cheap items. Special category? (Optional) Category for seller to offer to buyer… Free Shipping? Buy 1 Free 1? Classified for Automobiles, Real Estate and Careers? Replica related? Adult-related? Digital items? e-currencies? (e-gold, paypal and more…) Online Games/Reload card/Prepaid card credits or serial code? |
这位马来西亚兄弟看来花了不少功夫啊。 3D店铺地图那个主意不错,有点类似于逛商场。一楼是卖鞋子的,二楼是卖衣服的。 不过我觉得这些建议,ECMall想要做起来,恐怕要花很长时间。 ![]() |
说实话,看不懂,要是楼上的不提醒我,我还真当AD帖给删除了 不过,翻译过后看明白了 |
这帖很牛啊![]() |
@ shuwai, Actually 3D map is not really hard to change, it's basically replace the text with image, the link to specific store category still the same. For example 4th Floor: A 3D shopping mall map, but only few section can clickable (eg. Toy's area, Electronics's area, Computer's area and more.), once clicked a section, it'll link to a list of web store inside that section (eg. Women fashion) - The is few floor inside the mall (Can be make by flash or a group of images.) - The few section which is represent by different color, like toy's is green, electronics's is blue. - When mouse over, the section is highlighted and section name can be display. 不好意思, 我的华语非常把bad。。。 有没有哪位好心人士可以帮忙翻译。。。 谢谢。 请看Google translate的华语版本:(不100%对) ... amp;history_state0= |
老實說,這英文不難,但做成中文太花時間了 有空便把point轉換吧 |
无需重新加载整个网页,只要按一下标签 完整的信息,航运领域,付款接受方式,收费 可以添加书签,以便访问者可以书签和与朋友分享 100 %的翻译的语言包,按钮图片应空白(文字可变) More... 更多的联系办法(如雅虎和MSN ) 有意义的网店网址(如 ) 电话验证 建立帮助中心,在服务台 (build-in FAQ and Support Ticket) 订单跟踪和货物跟踪 支持多语言和货币 拍卖功能 愿望单(例如 ) |
Actually 3D map is not really hard to change, it's basically replace the text with image, the link to specific store category still the same. 其实3D地图也不是真的很难实现。它基本上是用图片代替文字,到各自商铺的目录的链接仍然是一样的 For example 4th Floor: 例如第4层: A 3D shopping mall map, but only few section can clickable (eg. Toy's area, Electronics's area, Computer's area and more.), once clicked a section, it'll link to a list of web store inside that section (eg. Women fashion) 一个3D的卖场地图,但是只有几个区域是可以点击的(例如:玩具区,电子产品区,计算机区域。。。)一但点击一个区域,它会链接到该区域里的店铺列表里。(例如 女人时尚) - The is few floor inside the mall (Can be make by flash or a group of images.) -一个Mall里有一些楼层(可以用Flash或一组图片实现) - The few section which is represent by different color, like toy's is green, electronics's is blue. -一个楼层的几个区域可以用不同的颜色区分,比如玩具区是绿色,电子产品是蓝色; - When mouse over, the section is highlighted and section name can be display -当鼠标滑过一个区域时,该区域被高亮并显示名称。 |
关键是那些3d的模型图谁做! |
我上次看100du的购物频道里,有个类似的。一个Flash显示一条一条的街。还有一个网站,首页是一个摩天大楼,每一层是不同的分类,网址忘记了。 |
如果能做城市3D地图,那就太好了,不过,估计官方会有难度,而且地图资源包估计会好大好大 |
3D地图只是其中的一小点而已 其实,楼主主要是围绕着 “友好,快速,简便及安全”这几点来提出的建议,这些想法确实是很不错的 不过有些地方,可能是地域的习惯性问题,各有差异吧 国外的电子商务平台一般都是很简洁的,而国内为了显示大气、专业。一般页面都做得比较复杂的 大家可以对比 和 就可以看得出来 重要提示,目前官方的开发重点是如何把ECMALL从原来的框架中脱离出来并改头换面!!! |
Yo... Finally got a friend truly understand my meanings, cheers... That right, SEO is very important for webmaster. - No need reloading whole page, this can save alot time and bandwidth. (Just imagine if a seller added a product need wait 5 secs, then 1000's products?) - Login, Register, Images can using POPUP, no need reloading in new pages. - The notification message like "系统将在 5 秒钟之后自动跳转到默认的页面, 恭喜您,取消订单成功." can be set inline of current page. I don't know broadband speed in China, but my current 1Mbps broadband is quite SLOW to loading for me, what about if my visitor only using 56kbps? |
你说的都对,假如你是产品部经理,估计ecmall会更精彩 |
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